XenoComi - Xenosaga Freaks - Fan Translation Project

Bumping this half-year old thread because I encountered Elendraug on a Xenosaga 3 stream, just wanted to say hi. Recently got a Japanese PS2 and am ready to play thorugh Xenosaga Freaks at some point, would be keen to help out with translation projects in the future!
@MBgov1133 Thank you so much! IRL got in the way of making progress on this for a while, but I'm itching to get back to it.

@Jintoki let me know if there are aspects of this I'm out of the loop for, but here's where I think we stand:

  • We have a partial translation of Shion's route
  • Once I unlock and complete Allen's route (which won't take long once I can actually hold still and just do it) I'll send my save data to @Jintoki
  • I have ~3 years of practice studying Japanese at this point and feel fairly confident about tackling the translation, especially if we can run the final side-by-side lines by a native speaker; we had someone at one point on Twitter who was willing to translate both the Shion and Allen scripts if we could get the text
  • One of the biggest things that would help is if we had recorded video footage of the game itself; my computer situation is not ideal and I don't have a way to do this, but it's the best way for @Jintoki to confirm that the scenes are programmed in order; ETA @Jintoki I see that you're potentially willing to do this yourself too
  • I have been working with a series of screenshots (and using Google Lens to capture the text, and get the gist while playing, then manually correct anything it misreads and use DeepL/Jisho/knowledge of the series' terminology to produce a best-guess translation
  • I have some experience with Python and Ren'Py from editing this code specifically (and turning it into a shitpost, lmao) and am comfortable doing some heavy lifting with the programming and beta testing
  • Down the line, ideally/if anyone else is interested, I'd be up for re-translating the other five parts so the dialogue is more natural, especially if we now (?) have native speakers who are willing to help us correct any possible errors
I'm also very interested in helping to translate I&II (I've been watching YouTube footage to try to check specific cutscenes, which is very slow going and my translations are not formally posted anywhere) and the XSII novelization (which I own, and started a thread about but didn't get too far due to IRL circumstances).

I'm so glad that others still care about these games and would love to see some progress made on these after all these years. Thank you for being here with us!
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Sorry for the delayed response.

I am able to capture footage of the original XenoComi, which I've recorded at least one video so far. Kare reached out to me about possibly helping with translating the game again, but she's had some rough times, so I don't want to push her at the moment.
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I have like maybe 1/3 of Shion script translated, and I didn't have to work on it lately, mostly what blocking me now is that I need to search for Jintoki's grammar fixed lines in data of previous parts we already did to keep the same translation for the same lines. I think it would leave like 1/3 of script that is still not translated and 1/3 that was translated for other routes. When thought about it in friday and thought that maybe someone recorded previous parts of Xenocomi we did and it would be easier for me to check script this way, but I now looked over YT and it looks like there is none. So that leaves me with still needing to search for lines in Jintoki's game script :/

The same with Allen story, for that one I have fully translated script done by some good soul from first ver of goddsibb and I'm awful but so many years passed and I don't remember name of person who did this translation. But since it was made by different person then lines that were in previous routes surely are different and there's need to sit down and rework whole script with all part we already have done, even if my translation was probably worse.

I have all my old translations so I could faster search my previous routes translated lines more fast but since Jin fixed them they are not accurate. So if it was only matter of translation, editing subs for Jin so he knew how to program it it wouldn't be problem. Problem is all this searching work and I just can't get myself to do it, especially when I'm tired after work I rather do something more enjoyable.
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Hello kare.

I'm not sure if I totally understood everything you wrote here, but in any case, I'm sorry about the numerous difficulties you met in your work on Xenosaga Freaks.
You have all my support, and if I can help you in any way (with direct help, or with contacts that might help you), do not hesitate to ask me.

As for this part :
maybe someone recorded previous parts of Xenocomi we did and it would be easier for me to check script this way, but I now looked over YT and it looks like there is none. So that leaves me with still needing to search for lines in Jintoki's game script :/

Just in case.
Here is the playlist of my let's play (in English) :

And here is a playlist of all the stories (in Japanese) :
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Oh, thank you Valkyrie! Because Jr's ending part mostly covers with a lot in Shion's part and I think this is biggest part that crossovers and which I don't have in my translation file done.
As I see from your video in Jr. route Shion isn't there around time when Kosmos trashed Ziggy so this is part I can progress with normal translation.
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Sorry for the silence. Anyway, I have time on my hands. Kare graciously translated a video I sent her, so I'm going about inputting it into Ren'Py. I needed to refamiliarize myself (as I do after taking long breaks from Ren'Py). Here are two screenshots as evidence that I'm working on it!

I'm over 6 minutes into the 12-minute video I sent Kare. After that, I'll try recording another video and send it to her.


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Any plans to make a PS2 version patch?
I'm afraid that is beyond my abilities. Or at least I've never looked into it. But if someone else would like to do that using our translation, I wouldn't be against it.
Sorry for the late reply! I used the engine Ren'Py. It should have gamepad support, though I don't know how robust it is.
Small update:

Things haven't been great for Kare lately. Even though she's been having such a bad time, she was able to translate the next chunk of Shion's chapter. I will work on it soon. I can't guarantee a release date as we crawl along, but the project isn't dead (yet).
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Sorry to hear things have been hard for her. I finally have a computer that runs Windows again and will try to pick up where I left off (and finally get you the Allen save file, two years late, yikes). Thanks as always for all your hard work on this.
Sorry to hear things have been hard for her. I finally have a computer that runs Windows again and will try to pick up where I left off (and finally get you the Allen save file, two years late, yikes). Thanks as always for all your hard work on this.
Thanks. No rush since it'll probably be awhile still until I get to Allen's. If need be, I can do a speedrun and get the route, but again, it'll be awhile.
Update: We're slowly chugging along. I just recorded another 12 minutes of the game for Kare to translate. I told her no pressure. While she does that, I will take the time to code in the previous videos she translated for me.