

Cloud Sea Explorer
UMN Curator
Mar 14, 2022
I found a small problem on the odm when I downloaded all the content of XU, does anyone have the same scanned copy (unblocked)
Good catch! I'm not able to re-scan the entire page unfortunately, but here's a photo of the first few paragraphs without the bookmark in the way. Hope this helps!

Photograph of the upper left side of a page in the ODM for Xenosaga Episode I, titled “chaos and KOS-[MOS]” (the second half of KOS-MOS' name is cut off by the edge of the photo), with the subtitle “Chaos [sic, capitalized in the original text] knows KOS-MOS's actual figure” and a few paragraphs of Japanese text below.

This is charming/endearing to me, I wouldn't've known it had a tassel/bookmark otherwise
LOL, I've had the book for a few years and didn't notice it either, until now! It's a heckin' long boy, too. : D

Photograph of a title page from the ODM for Xenosaga Episode I, with text reading “KOS-MOS [Japanese text, unclear from the glare and angle of the picture]“ with the subtitle “The Clause About Development of KOS-MOS“ against a pixelated monochrome background. A long silver-colored ribbon is stretched across the page.
Great! Thank you very much. You can also take a photo of that page. I have a way to deal with it. To be honest, if it is not the text but the picture, then I have a way. . . Anyway, thanks a lot!
By the way, does anyone know where ODM is sold? I want a little bit, well just a little bit cause I know it's expensive
I ordered mine from this seller on ebay in 2019. It looks as though the listing is still up, and only a little more expensive (from US $39 when I bought it to $45 now). The shipping might be extra, though. I think you could also find it on sites that sell manga and doujinshi, but I don't know as much about those.
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Have guys ever seen the JP-EN subtitles of XS1?
Yes! I have the scenario books for EPI and EPII (the Japanese script). There are also English scripts on GameFAQs. I frequently compare the JP/EN cutscenes on YouTube. When I'm back on my computer instead of my phone I can link to some resources, if it'll help.
Yes! I have the scenario books for EPI and EPII (the Japanese script). There are also English scripts on GameFAQs. I frequently compare the JP/EN cutscenes on YouTube. When I'm back on my computer instead of my phone I can link to some resources, if it'll help.
Thank you! This is very helpful!
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