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  • KOS-MOS's external appearance is always down 5% why doesn't she just take a shower? Does she need Shion to sponge bath her? Is it like washing your car? Important shower related shower thoughts.
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    Reactions: Elendraug
    I know this is way after the fact but now I'm wondering about this from a car washing angle like, does she need turtle wax? does she get spots if it rains, do we need to use a microfiber towel? hmmm
    I wanted to say your cover photo is really well designed!
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    Reactions: Radiotanuki
    sorry I just now saw this but I actually put a lot of work on this back years ago so I'm happy you like it! It was actually kinda inspired by Persona 5 which I was super hyped for at the time (it was still not released so I just had the trailers and such to go off of)!
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