Xenosaga sheet music


New member
Jan 16, 2022
I have found out about the existence of the Xenosaga 1 sheet music pictured below. I would just like to bring this to everyone's attention as a piece of the Xenosaga series to be preserved, and if anyone happened upon a copy, it would be great to have a scan available for everyone's enjoyment.


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Thank you for bringing attention to this, I have never heard of it before. It seems like it would be a great resource for anyone looking to play music from the series.

I moved the thread to the Preservation section. (y)
I know I've seen the books for sale, and I feel like a few individual songs may have scans floating around? "Kokoro" for sure. I don't have it on hand, though.

ETA: I think I have the sheet music for "Hepatica" printed out from years ago but it might be a fan arrangement. I'll check.
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So I dug up the sheet music I printed out back in 2007, and it's for the track "KOS-MOS" from the XSI score. I wrote out some of the notes on it, but I checked my work from years ago and confirmed they're correct.

[ Page 1 | Page 2 | Pages 1 & 2 (2up) ]

This is what the text says, per DeepL:

バイエル終了程度 or パイエル終了程度 (I can't tell if it's バ or パ and can't quite figure out what this means)

プレイング・ポイント 何度か出てきているモチーフですがここでは原のママ G♯ minor です!!深い哀しみを感じながら、ていねいに演奏して 下さい。 ペダルを上手に使って、サウンドに拡がりをもたせるように弾けるとマル。

Playing Point This motif has appeared several times, but here it is the original Mama, G♯ minor! Please play tenderly with a sense of deep sorrow. It is best if you can use the pedal well to expand/enhance the sound.

This leitmotif appears in various places in the soundtrack, but this one is the mama/mother/original version. You'd use the sustain pedal so the notes linger.

I'm sure there's another version of this somewhere that's whatever my original file I printed out was, but in the meantime, here's the version with my handwriting, haha. Hope this helps as a start! It's a beautiful piece.
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I know the score for the entirety of Episode 1 went on sale on Ebay. There was a book that was published by Mitsuda's studio and the book sold for $1000 USD. I was hoping to perhaps fundraise for it, but the book sold rather quickly. I know Xenosaga Collector, Opkij has a copy of the book, but they are unwilling to scan it as it may damage their copy.
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Unfortunately the book is no longer for sale, and there is no telling when another copy will emerge.

This is the book for those curious:

The link is from Mitsuda's studio website. This book contains the entire score for the game, with all instruments included. If one had access to an orchestra then theoretically you could recreate the entire soundtrack using this book. Kinda insane. I've only ever seen two.
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Well, it's a pity, but expect someone to play it all and record it, just like XG's concert.
Unfortunately the book is no longer for sale, and there is no telling when another copy will emerge.

This is the book for those curious:

The link is from Mitsuda's studio website. This book contains the entire score for the game, with all instruments included. If one had access to an orchestra then theoretically you could recreate the entire soundtrack using this book. Kinda insane. I've only ever seen two.
I think I saw that one on sale on eBay for like $700 from an Italian seller
So it's totally available on Yahoo! JAPAN Auction. Anybody want to coordinate going in on it? The listing ends in 21 hours. It's selling for ~$215.

Original listing: https://page.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/v1064538356

@Aidan Uzuki
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So it's totally available on Yahoo! JAPAN Auction. Anybody want to coordinate going in on it? The listing ends in 21 hours. It's selling for ~$215.

Original listing: https://page.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/v1064538356

@Aidan Uzuki
Wow! Unfortunately there's not a whole lot I can do financially speaking at the moment but honestly that's such a steal.

Also how does one even purchase from a Yahoo auction in the states?
Through Buyee.jp, which purchases it on your behalf and then sends it to you. I haven't used it but I've used similar services. (Everyone can thank my desperate attempts to search Ye Olde Internet for rarepair OTP art for me figuring out how to navigate this, lmao)

This is the item description:
ゼノサーガ エピソード1のオーケストラ用の楽譜です。



Per DeepL:

This is the orchestral score for Xenosaga Episode 1.

There are some minor stains and scratches (after the second image), but there are no problems with use.
Please refrain from bidding if you are looking for a perfect beauty.

Please start the transaction within 24 hours after winning the bid.
Please contact us within 3 days of receipt.
We will return your evaluation only if you give us one. If you do not want to be evaluated, please do not evaluate us.
Please do not cancel the order if you do not return the item.

I can't swing the full $200 right now but I could throw in towards it if someone else makes the purchase.
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Through Buyee.jp, which purchases it on your behalf and then sends it to you. I haven't used it but I've used similar services. (Everyone can thank my desperate attempts to search Ye Olde Internet for rarepair OTP art for me figuring out how to navigate this, lmao)

This is the item description:

Per DeepL:

I can't swing the full $200 right now but I could throw in towards it if someone else makes the purchase.
It's an auction though right, so the price can increase?