Spoiler Xenogears' years and their A.D. equivalent


Active member
Nov 17, 2022
United States
Just something I made a while back for my own reference. Thought it'd be worth sharing because I find it pretty interesting and the XG section is pretty barren nowadays (but alas, i ended up posting in the all-xeno general section lol. sleepiness strikes again; if i could move it i would).

TC 0000 = 2511 A.D.
TC 4760, Abel is born = 7271 A.D.
TC 4767 = Xenogears planet year 0000 (referred to from now on by number only, as in PW), crash of the Eldridge = 7278 A.D.

0011, Elly dies = 7289 A.D.
6055, Kim and Elly are born = 13,333 A.D.
6082, Emeralda is created = 13,360 A.D.
6083, Elly dies (28 y/o), Kim seals himself inside his research facility = 13,361 A.D.
9475, Lacan and Elly (Sophia) are born = 16,753 A.D.
9500, Sophia dies (25y/o) = 16,778 A.D.
9501, Grahf comes into being = 16,779 A.D.
9510, Lacan's body dies (35y/o) = 16,788 A.D.
9981, Fei and Elly are born = 17,259 A.D.
9985, Id forms at 4y/o = 17,263 A.D.
9996, Id at physical age of 15; our Fei is forcibly formed by Khan = 17,274 A.D.
9999, present day XG = 17,277 A.D.
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