Spoiler Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Spoiler Discussion Thread

Aidan Uzuki

Staff member
Nov 2, 2020
Collective Unconscious
Alright, here it is! The game has been out for close to 2 months now (which I can hardly believe time has gone by so quickly). Now that people are likely through at least the main story and maybe had sometime to think about it. How are people feeling in general about this game?
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Well, it can be evaluated in many ways.
First of all, from the picture point of view. In any case, compared to XB2, the image quality of XB3 is still improved a lot, the appearance of moiré is much less, and the texture speed after transmission is also much faster. But of course, there are many things like blur, frame drop and so on. But that's not too important a point.
Second, from the perspective of playing experience, the XB3 system feels simpler/easier to understand than the XB2. The tutorial will be better than XB2, of course, if you have played XB1/2, then things will be much easier. The most special thing about combat seems to be the "combination" (I don't know what the English for this operation is), and the number of people has changed from 3 to 6/7. So generally speaking, the difficulty will drop a bit, which may be an advantage because the xeno series is mainly about plots rather than combat.
Then there is the plot. I think XB3 is pretty good in terms of plot, at least it is "complete". But I think many places are not "clearly explained", such as why Noah becomes consul N after Mio dies, and why Mio becomes consul M. Why Miyabi didn't die, and what is the principle of consul Y's experiment, and many more. I don't know if it's because they couldn't explain it clearly or something else, but at least it wasn't something that should have happened.
Of course, in terms of music, I feel that the music of XB3 is the worst in the XB series (except XBX, which I have never played). Compared with 1.2, it is a bit worse.
Well, the above are some brief comments (in fact, I feel that I mainly mentioned a lot of disadvantages rather than advantages). If there is anything that needs to be changed, I will add it again in time.
If you want to give points, objectively speaking, it is 7.5 or 8/10 (mainly lost points in music and plot)
As for N, Noah becomes Consul because Z wants to have fun/play with him. After Noah dies (after he and Mio had a kid), Z reborns Noah again, he gives Noah choice to become Mobious. First he lures him in telling that he will revive and give him Mio if he becomes Mobious. But when Noah does that Z goes further, he shows him Mio's body and tells him that he has to kill everyone in Old City in order to power her battery. N hesitates for moment but he does that and Consul M is born without Mio's choice and she not likes that, or what N did to bring her back.

I would need to re-read text on Noah's son/grandson statue but if it says he was one of people who created new City then Z revives Noah and makes him N almost after the cutscene with their kid.

That thing is more or less explained. I'm more bothered with that Fog plot.
The PV for DLC3/4 of XB3 is out, have you seen it? To be honest, I didn't like DLC3 much, but I'm very concerned about DLC4.
From the beginning, it seems that Alvis and Rex and Shulk are having a disagreement? (How did Rex and Shulk get together? That will be a question (but Rex looks really cool all grown up!)). . Meanwhile it seems that Alvis is an antagonist (he becomes Mebius A?), but it is also possible that Rex and Shulk are antagonists. Also later it can be seen that Rex's grandfather seems to have gotten very powerful (as he seems to be complaining that his grandfather is not strong enough).
Here, I feel there is one thing that is really a bit of a problem (mainly because the PV is just too short to get too clear).
That is that Alvis was supposed to want the 2 worlds to merge (derived from the end of XB1), but in the PV he is shown as not wanting the two worlds to merge as much as all Mebius (so I would call it Mebius A). I don't really know why this change, but as the "essence" of the Trinity processor, it should be the desire to reunite with the remaining two and reorganize the Trinity.
To be honest, I already feel that DLC4 will reveal the reason for the merger in XB3, and may also explain a whole worldview of the XB universe, etc. (in fact, XB1/2 is already almost there), and may also be the end of the XB series?
But everything seems to be waiting for the DLC to come out officially.
Well, after the DLC is out, it should be the OST
Well, many thinks this dlc4 might be prequel and I'm not so sure about that, it's hard to say from only that one piece we got. We know Orgin messed up when it booted up as two worlds collided, and it was clear by figures in the city that Rex and Shulk were ones who helped fight against Mobious. That fits. But what doesn't fit for me is Alvis in this. It would need for Shulk's team to somehow include Alvis pieces in their Orgin? Second thing that doesn't fit for me is that character that's looks like Fei. He was in city too as figure. I guessed from all information we had in game that he was Founder of second city, after N burned down first one, he was Vandham family ancestor and there was high chance he might be son or grandson of Noah and Mio. I was on grandson theory since that other Gorrmathi figure in room is said to be that guy's sister (And Eunie says she looks a lot like Mio).
So that character doesn't fit for me as one prequeled. At least until we get some kid of Nail and Hugo treatment when the look the same and this might be Noah's father? And later one of Noah's grandchildren looks like their grand-grandfather?
Who knows, most of my theories when I played XB3 failed me.
Well I don't think that 3rd guy is Noah, that's I'm sure. If he was then Mio would be like 25+ in that DLC too.
Of course If there is still difference between first Noah and Mio of those 1-2 years. Then when worlds merged Noah was around 10 and Mio was around 11. There is a picture of Mio around this age in the exclusive artbook too. Rex looks around those 11 years older than on that 3 babies and wifes too so it fits too, could he be older? Yes, but I think he would look even more older if that 3rd guy was older Noah.
Nia said "see you soon" to that photo so after end of xb3 reality comes back to the time when Rex, Shulk and everyone from that time are still alive. Maybe as Noah and Mio hoped for two words did find way to connect but now Alvis came back bugged with some virus and gives problems to the Xenoblade world again because Nintendo wants it going? who know.
I think we need to wait for those 3-5 months for some better information.
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