

Staff member
Nov 1, 2020
Over the course of the last year I've been listening to books in the Mistborn series! It's quite good and has helped motivate me to greater things! Since the pandemic started and my commute is now 0, I've fallen off giving a listen, but it's been pretty good so far!
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This was written years ago so i doubt you will respond but i love the Mistborn series! its what got me back into reading. I love the way Brandon Sanderson writes, everything is easy to read it the flow is very nice.
Oh hey! It took me a few days but I logged in to reply! I got up to the second or third Wax and Wayne story! The conclusion to the original Mistborn book series was pretty mind-blowing, though I would have chosen some things a little differently if I had written it myself, but I didn't, so. XD Sanderson is insane (I say this as a good thing)! He writes so much! It's very inspiring!
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Oh hey! It took me a few days but I logged in to reply! I got up to the second or third Wax and Wayne story! The conclusion to the original Mistborn book series was pretty mind-blowing, though I would have chosen some things a little differently if I had written it myself, but I didn't, so. XD Sanderson is insane (I say this as a good thing)! He writes so much! It's very inspiring!
im currently at misborn era 2 book 2 so were at about the same part. I also read warbreaker and i very much liked it so i recommend that one
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im currently at misborn era 2 book 2 so were at about the same part. I also read warbreaker and i very much liked it so i recommend that one
the magic system in warbreaker is really interesting since it works with colors (wont explain more to avoid spoilers)
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