Checking in

I have a lot of plans and I wanna be around more and I am so sorry I haven't been. Full disclosure my mother has been sick for over a year, it's coming to a head now. I want folks to know I'm not abandoning things or disinterested. I check in often even if I don't post, I regularly take backups on my home server, and hope that once she gets some peace I can get some peace and be more present in all my endeavors, including here. I very much intend to help out with Xeno projects and update here again once things are less complicated.

But... I know I have a mixed rep and feel like I owe people an explaination. The intentions are still there, but times are difficult. I'm surviving.

Thanks for all of your passion for Xeno and support of this place, even after all this time. It means the world to me that people still come here and post even though I haven't done as much as I wanted to here to date. 💔
There are a number of patches I must run before the end of the year, but the long term plan is to move to a better platform. Now that new godsibb has been around a while, I have a better idea of the features people want to use the site for and how to make a platform more developed towards those. Plus I've just learned a ton in my professional life since I set this up in 2020. So once my life settles down (and without being explicit, it will eventually) I can plan for that. In the meantime, I am keeping the machine running even if I don't post much. Thanks for your patience.
We love you, Jessi! No need to apologize for dealing with difficult life circumstances. You've done so much to keep this community going. Take all the time you need. <3
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She's gone... (has been for a month...)

Things are still rather complicated but hopefully we'll get there. Thanks for all of your understanding.
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She's gone... (has been for a month...)

Things are still rather complicated but hopefully we'll get there. Thanks for all of your understanding.
I'm so sorry for your loss. I hope you're doing alright 🫂
(sorry for the very late reply to this, I hadn't seen this until now)
Never apologize for prioritizing your life and family and health over community projects 💗 Take your time