Anyone have references for Juli Mizrahi from behind?

Nov 18, 2022
Im drawing a commission and realized I can't find any references or images that show the backside of Mizrahi's outfit, except like upper back. My drawing is knees up and it's too late to change her position as there is a second character.

I've poked through underground not too long ago but I don't really have time right this second to dig again as we gotta get ready to go somewhere, so I thought I'd ask on the off chance.
Do I ever! : D Actually, here's some screenshots from the XSIII model viewer that I believe Elendraug was kind enough to get for me last year.

Screenshot of the XSIII character viewer showing Juli Mizrahi with her back toward the screen.Screenshot of the XSIII character viewer showing the middle back of Juli's outfit.Screenshot of the XSIII character viewer showing the upper back of Juli's outfit.

Let me know if you need any others! <3